Human Genetics with Mustard

Doug Wendell and Dawn Pickard, co-PIs
Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan

The goal of our project is to develop DNA markers for rapid-cycling Brassica rapa (aka Wisconsin Fast Plants) and educational materials that use these markers. Our target is college and advanced high school educators who can use our materials to teach key principles of genetics and the scientific process in general.

As we develop DNA markers and lab procedures we will post the here for all to try.

The purpose of this blog is to share information on the procedures and DNA markers that we develop for rapid cycling Brassica rapa (Fast Plants type). We will be posting protocols and data on the markers as we develop them. The intention is that this be interactive so we encourage users to post comments. Did the materials work? What steps did your students have problems with? What parts do you like? Do you have suggestions for improvement?

Please also check out our YouTube channel:

This work was made possible by:
A pilot project grant from the Oakland University Teaching and Learning Committee
Educational Materials Development project grant from the National Science Foundation (grant # 0340910)
An ARRA Award from the National Institutes of Health (grant # 5 RC1 RR030293-02)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Estimating DNA concentration by staining with Fast Blast DNA Stain

 A simple method to estimate the concentration of DNA in a sample
Safety warnings:  This procedure uses methanol which is toxic and flammable.  Glove must be worn whenever handling methanol

Materials Needed
100X BioRad Fast Blast DNA stain
PVDF membrane
DNA concentration standards
distilled water

Before beginning the assay, practice spotting 1 µl of water onto piece of used PVDFmembrane.

1.  Prepare the membrane.
With a soft lead pencil, draw a series of 1 cm by 1 cm boxes, one for each sample and for each of the three standards.
“Wet” the membrane by dipping it in methanol and leaving it submerged until it is uniformly darkened.
Transfer the membrane to a dish of distilled water and allow it to soak until it no longer repels water
2.  Spot the DNA onto the membrane.
The standards will be provided to you by your instructor.  The samples are the samples of DNA that you purified from the plant tissue.
For each standard or sample to be tested, carefully pipette 1 microliter into the center of the box.  If done properly, it will form a bead at the spot where you pipetted it.  This bead will slowly shrink as the liquid soaks into the membrane.
3.  Allow the membrane to dry for 5 minutes.
4.  Repeat the “wetting” process from step 1.
5.  Place the membrane in a dish with enough 100X Fast Blast DNA stain to cover. Shake for 5 minutes.
6.  Transfer the membrane to a dish of distilled water, and shake until you no longer see blue color washing off the membrane.  You may need to change the water while doing this.
7.  Estimate the concentration of DNA in the sample by comparing the intensity of the blue dot from the sample with the intensity of the blue dots of the standards.  The amount of DNA in the standards are 0 ng/µl, 10 ng/µl, and 100 ng/µl.

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